Sunday, November 1, 2015


Many of us probably don’t think very much about water: where it comes from, what it contains and how we drink it. We know that it’s there and we drink when we’re thirsty... sometimes. But did you know water is very much like our food in that it can be just as rich or just as deficient in life sustaining properties? Water can have, or lack, other important substances and properties besides H2O, such as minerals, a balanced pH and quality. All of this can vary depending on its source, how it’s transported, how it’s kept, how it’s treated and how we drink it. In this post, I will share some unimaginable knowledge about the miraculous substance that sustains our life process.

It actually makes a big difference where our water comes from. Tap water, for instance, likely comes from water treatment plants, where it is “cleaned” by various forms including chemical treatment. This water will have other substances dissolved in it, such as chemicals intentionally added like chlorine and fluoride, other chemicals not intentionally added, traces of pharmaceutical residues, heavy metals, hormones, pesticides, microbes and other foreign elements. If the water travels through many pipes, depending on how old they are and what materials they’re made of, those may add a little extra to the water as well. If there are many pipes with many corners, this also affects the quality of the water. This type of water may also not have a balanced pH, the measure of its alkalinity or acidity.

Filtered water from dispensers at any of the increasing number of stores that have it is a little better option than tap water because reverse osmosis filtering (which most are) removes all particles and assures cleaner drinking water, provided the machines are cleaned and maintained properly and on schedule. The disadvantage, however, is that since reverse osmosis filtering removes all particles and substances, it also removes important trace minerals. You may add minerals to your water but it often makes for less thirst quenching water. Otherwise, you will have to ensure to get your minerals from other sources such as nuts and vegetables or supplements.

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Plastic containers of certain kinds releases certain toxins, some that are known to be carcinogens, into the water, and allowing it to sit in the sun accelerates the process. So it is best to avoid bottled water altogether. On the other hand, storing water in a copper or brass container is beneficial, as it enhances the quality of the water. In Indian tradition it is common practice to store water in a copper pot for 8 hours and perform a ritual before drinking. This is because water has memory, a proven scientific fact, and its molecular structure is affected by its environment. If this intrigues you, then search online for “water memory experiments” and you will find plenty of material on the subject.

One last but important property of water is its pH balance. Our bodies are slightly alkaline by nature and maintaining this balance is highly important for our health, such that cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline body. Drinking water that is neutral or has a slightly alkaline pH balance is ideal. You may have seen alkaline water being sold at some stores, which is a healthy (more so in glass bottles) but expensive option. There are, however, test kits available to test your water and there are also products available to balance the water’s pH.

All of this information might be dizzying, but let me leave you with one important resource:

This website collects and provides locations and details of spring water sources, most of which are free. The source I found near me on Irving Park Road, off Cumberland Avenue, Chicago, passed a test I did on it in the following way: no heavy metals, high mineral content, slightly alkaline... and it's free! It also comes out cool from underground. Take a look and you may find a source that is near you too!

Thanks for reading and I’d love to read your comments / questions / experience.

Jessy Hernandez
Instructor | Parkour Ways |

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